
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Your Body is Constantly Working to Create Radiant Health.

Healing is easy. That’s right, you heard me. Healing is easy. The moment you cut yourself, for example, your body goes to work. You don't have to make a conscious effort to heal that cut, your body knows what to do. Your body is constantly working to create balance. Your body is constantly working to create radiant health. When you, your spirit and your mind, engages in the healing process... seeming miracles take place. You have the power to heal yourself.... with experienced support. I’m not talking about crazy voo doo or even good ju ju when you refuse to seek professional help either. I’m talking about a new paradigm of co-operative self-healing partnered with the liscensed professionals of your choice and someone like me. I’m talking about leaping into the incredibly exciting cutting edge science with your own consciousness!! I’m sure many of you have heard the fictional story about a man who lived in a home that was about to be flooded. Neighbors knocked on his door offering to quickly drive the man away to a safe location. He refused, stating that God would save him. Later on two rescuers in a zodiac knocked on his window to whisk him away to safety and again, he refused. When the man was confined to his own roof a helicopter flew overhead with a rope to save him, he refused. He believed God would save him. When the man, standing in front of the proverbial pearly gates lodged his complaint. the answer given was, “I sent a car, a boat and a helicopter!” Oops. The universe has been knocking on your door; You know you can heal, you just need some validation, inspiration, intuitive input and unconditionally loving support. Your doctor, is not God. I know that is a radical statement in the age of little blue pills but it is the truth. Your doctor is a superbly gifted, well intentioned and fantastically intelligent wo/man who is an important piece on your road to well being. When your doctor speaks about a spontaneous healing that defies modern science ....... oh wait..... s/he doesn’t speak about it. It is the white elephant in the room. Don’t let this ‘the world is flat’ and a 'doctors hands are so pure that they can not pass germs from one patient to another' mentality cripple your ability to manifest your own ‘miracle’. Remember that in 1706, the year Benjamin Franklin was born, an electric light would have appeared to be a miracle. I believe miracles are just proof that modern science still has a long way to go to catch up with explaining reality. Isn’t that exciting? We are still learning! Did you know that medical schools have coined the term “MEDSTUDENTITIS.” “One study showed that seventy-nine percent of medical students report developing symptoms suggestive of the illness they are studying. Because they get paranoid and think they will get sick, they do”. Seventy-nine percent is a pretty sweeping majority for some of our brightest citizens to create their own illness and admit to it! We all know we can make our selves sick. We have all done it and we all know people who have done it. If we can make ourselves sick, doesn’t it make sense that we can make ourselves well? Before you fantasize about my head on a stick with angry pitch forks please know how deeply I apply the quote “Easier said than done,” to this scenario! I’ve been there myself, trapped in a quagmire of my own making and believing that I was 100% victim of my own life circumstances and my own bodies’ genetic weaknesses. I have healed myself of a “Permanent” disability in my left ankle, debilitating environmental allergies, postpartum depression and the horrific beginnings of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Doctor Lipton has stated that, “When we shift the mind’s interpretation of illness from fear and danger to positive belief, the brain responds biochemically, the blood changes the body’s cell culture, and the cells change on a biological level.” Take that in. after two decades of research and experimentation there is just so much to share. for now, experience the power of being heard, loved and cared for. I want to be a partner on your journey to vibrant well being! I believe it is time to share my secrets and infectiously positive beliefs! Why? Because, I wish for a world full of people with happy spirits in happy bodies on a happy planet. Now THAT would be a miracle, wouldn’t it..... but maybe I can help. Schedule a session and..... Feel the magic...

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