
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Going Within

 "Meditation refers to any form of a family of practices in which practitioners train their minds or self-induce a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit." - Wikpedia

    Don't let the pseudo-spiritual media hype fool you. (That is a whole separate blog entry!  Coming soon!)  Meditation is as simple or as complicated as you want to make it, but it is ALWAYS beneficial!  Everyone meditates in one way or another.  I wonder what your meditation practice is.   Do you take quiet walks or baths?  Do you garden, knit, paint, play an instrument or do your housework with a quiet presence?  Do you sail, hike, or swim with your attention fully on your body, on your experience? Do you get where I'm going here? You meditate.   Now if you add the understanding that when you are fully present in a moment with one activity you can access your intuition, your stillness...... your sacred inner peace.   You can crowd out all the worries or responsibilities by concentrating intently on what you are enjoying.  Give yourself to the feelings your activity inspires in you.  You may find that you crave more peace.  You may want to try doing even less.  You can find a view, a sunset or even a simple flower and allow yourself to get swept up in the pure inspiration of it until nothing else exists.  When you do this consciously you set up a new energetic pattern for yourself.  The deeper you go the more you reset the level of contentment you are able to call forth when you need it.   It gets easier and easier.  It's important to take moments in the nothingness.  To take moments to let go of all the outcomes you are struggling for.  If you haven't yet..... take a breath.  Your power is in your breath.  Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply until you feel yourself at one with that sunset.  It has been said that prayer is speaking with source and meditation is listening to source.  I'm hoping to inspire you to ground, breath, open, be thankful and listen.

                           F E E L  T H E   M A G I C . . .

Going Within

Wanting to hear you
Fill my space
I'm empty, waiting
Blow the sail on my soul
with your sweet whispers
Know I hold no fear of your stormy gusts
I crave your tipping of my boat
and know that soon
I will ride the energy waves
While balancing the universe
 on my own head
So soon.... so soon.....
The grace is astounding

Angela Light

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